Honored Teammates
This page is dedicated to some very special people and their families.
Each has shown great courage in dealing with cancer.
They are honored teammates in the Team-in-Training run for the cause!
- Name: Victoria Ero
- Birthday: September 24, 1992
- Status: In complete remission!
- Diagnosis: Hodgkin's lymphoma - February 2003
- Family: Lauren (Mom), Jeff (Dad) and Cameron (brother 15)
- Interests: Irish step dancing, shopping and computers
- Victoria's friends and family have been a great source of support. Lauren's employer the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association welcomed Victoria while she was in treatment. They gave her a desk and computer to use and a huge basket of toys for whenever she visited. There are many cancer survivors at ASHA and they always made Victoria feel special. When she lost her hair it was the only place she felt comfortable not wearing a wig or scarves. Victoria is also continually inspired by the loving staff at Johns Hopkins Pediatric Oncology Center, particularly her nurse, Colleen and oncologist, Michelle Hudspeth. She actually enjoys going to visit and loves the attention and joyful celebration of her continued remission.
- Name: Bryce Michael Anderson
- Birthday: January 2, 2004
- Status: Just finished second round of chemo, scheduled for bone marrow transplant in March
- Diagnosis: Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML) - November 27, 2004
- Family: Emily (Mom), James (Dad) and James Edgar (big brother)
- Bryce turned 1 year old on January 2. He finished his second round of chemo and returned home from the hospital for the first time in 6 weeks. He is scheduled to undergo a bone marrow transplant with his older brother James Edgar as his donor. Bryce is an energetic child who is doing well under the circumstances. The family is profoundly grateful for those praying on Bryce's behalf.